Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hi Kids, If you are here, it means you have completed the Diamond Picture Puzzle. This stage is sort of like a game puzzle. You need to take the cube, the ball and the triangle and place fit them in the frame provided.

Let's attempt the BALL first. You need to take it out of the container, but the container has holes which needs to be plugged. Find the corks. 2 from the bottles and 1 in the water. You have to wait for it to float to the top and then grab from the water.

Put them into the holes in the container as above. Then take the cup and fill it with water. Put the water-filled cup above the container and it will pour the water in. Do this several times until the ball floats at the top. Take the ball - fit it into the frame.

Next is the CUBE: See the weights at the top? See the weighing scale (old school) at the left? They hold the cube at the other end. You need to fill the scale with the corrects weights and it will tip over and the cube will be revealed.

First you need the hold up the scales by clicking on the little things at the bottom of it and a small pole will come up.

Then you need put the weight on EXACTLY LIKE IN THE PICTURE BELOW.

When done, release the poles below. The scales will tip and you will see your CUBE. Put the cube into the frame.

Last one - The Triangle: you need to look at the picture below as there are quite some steps.

Step 1 - place the flat circle thing under the triangle
Step 2 - fit the stick you find at the side in the middle
Step 3 - find the twigs
Step 4 - put the twigs at the bottom
Step 5 - find the bow in the drawer
Step 6 - bring the bow to the sticks
Step 7 - fit the bow to the vertical stick as shown
Step 8 - hold the bow and rub it sideways
Step 9 - keep rubbing till you see smoke, keep rubbing
Step 10 - you have FIRE!!!! let it melt the ice, then take the cube and fit it in the frame.

When done, the frame should look like this and you can go through the door for yet another set of BINWEEVILS Adventure!Continued at next part !

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